You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.

Welcome to the ArtsFairfax online application system!

This online application system is used for a variety of ArtsFairfax programs including grants, the ArtsFairfax Awards, public art, Capital One Hall space use, and the artist residency program.

First time here?

Please click "Sign Up" to complete the registration process and create your free Submittable login credentials. Be sure to keep this login information for your records.

Before Beginning an Application:

  1. Take a few minutes to review the guidelines (available on the ArtsFairfax website and below with each category) including eligibility requirements.
  2. Keep a record of your user name and password (each artist/team/organization may have only one). 

Grant Applicants:

  1. Additional resources including grant information session presentations, sample applications, and grant guidelines are located on the ArtsFairfax website.
  2. Grant applicants are encouraged to attend a grant information session where the grant guidelines, review process, and online application are explained in detail.
  3. Please contact ArtsFairfax for instructions if you plan to apply for a grant with a Fiscal Sponsor.

Dates & deadlines:

Check each submission for time due and please don't wait until the last minute to submit.


Grants: Kelley Choi ( or Nicole Powlison (

Capital One Hall: Shannon Smith (

Poetry Program: Shannon Smith (

Call for Artists/Qualifications - Macerich at Tyson's Corner: Allison Mui Mitchell (

ArtsFairfax Awards nominations: Debbie Mueller (

Submission Deadline: 

March 24, 2025 (received by 9:00PM EST via Submittable) 

Project Overview

ArtsFairfax is seeking professional chalk artists to produce live artwork on The Plaza at Tysons Corner Center for their “Blossom Bash,” an official National Cherry Blossom Festival event. In addition to live performances, retail booths, and food and drink specials, “Blossom Bash” will feature a live chalk drawing festival. Tysons Corner Center will be one of only five destination sites for DC’s official National Cherry Blossom Festival, offering visibility and a unique opportunity to create impactful public art that will celebrate the annual blooming of Washington D.C.’s famed cherry blossom trees.

Theme Chalk art should reflect cherry blossoms and the cultural significance of the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC.


Chalk Art will be adjudicated in two categories: Professional Artists and Community participants. Winners will receive gift cards to retailers at Tysons Corner Center.

  • Artist winner: $800
  • Community winner: $200

Eligibility and Expectations

  • Open to all professional artists; preference will be given to artists who live or work in Fairfax County and its surrounding region.
  • Chalk artists at the event are not paid and there is no reimbursement for travel or lodging.
  • Artists must be on-site for the outdoor chalk festival on March 30, 2025, from 10am to 3pm; judging will begin at 2pm (the event begins at 11am and Artists are invited to begin their work an hour early). Artwork should be completed during the duration of the event. 

Entry to the Plaza will begin on March 30th at 9:30am. Blossom Bash will be held rain or shine. In the event of rain, the artwork area will be tented. 

Each artwork area is 5’x5’ (25 square feet). Artists must produce the artwork submitted or get written approval to change their design. All produced artwork is for public viewing. All artwork must be family-friendly and in keeping with the cherry blossom theme. Copywritten characters, logos, political statements, or obscenity are not permitted.

Tysons Corner Center will provide (1) set of 48 soft pastels to selected artists. Any additional chalk and colors needed, particularly if the design has a predominant color, must be purchased by the artist(s) prior to the event. Only non-oil-based soft chalk/pastels in a solid form may be used. No acrylic paints, spray can pastels, oil-based pastels, hard pastels, etc. allowed.

Submission Requirements

Interested artists should submit:

  • A sketch/image AND brief description of their proposed chalk drawing.
  • 2-3 images of your prior artwork in any medium

Selection Process

  • Artists will be accepted until all spots are filled.
  • Applications are due by March 14; accepted artists will be notified by March 21.

Tysons Corner Center is Virginia’s premier shopping destination, featuring hundreds of stores, restaurants, and entertainment spaces. Selected chalk artists will sketch on a plot on the right side of the North Ellipse.

Read the complete Ticket & Participation Subsidy Grant Guidelines here.


Ticket & Participation Subsidy Grants are non-matching grants to Fairfax County, City of Fairfax, and City of Falls Church arts organizations to fund free and reduced-price tickets and transportation for performances, workshops, classes, and camps for people who may not have regular opportunities to experience the arts.

Award Amount

Applicants may request up to $5,000. No match is required. A Ticket & Participation Subsidy Grant is paid in full at the time of the award.


Eligible Expenses

a) Ticket Value (for free or reduced-priced tickets for performances)

b) Fees/Tuition for classes, workshops, and/or camps.

c) Transportation expenses.



Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until available funds are expended through June 30, 2025.



  • Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) – complete and email this form to NCS to be matched with one of the County’s many human service centers including early childhood, teen, community, and seniors. 
  • Fairfax County Department of Transportation contact and programs
  • List of human services organizations
  • Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) arts division contacts


Arts organizations will complete this form once as part of the application process for grants that require an organization profile. This form collects key information about an organization—including mission, vision, values, and demographics. Applicants will upload a PDF of this form with certain FY26 ArtsFairfax Grant applications. Refer to the Grant Guidelines for review criteria.    


  1. Complete the grant application eligibility quiz (i.e., Operating Support, Project Support) through ArtsFairfax’s online grant portal. 
  2. Complete the Organization Profile form below.
  3. After submitting, visit your account submissions page. Locate the Organization Profile in your list of submissions. 
  4. Download your Organization Profile. 
  5. Upload the PDF of your Organization Profile to your FY26 ArtsFairfax grant application where requested.

Returning Applicants may update and resubmit last year's profile OR may begin a new Organization Profile. 

To update and resubmit last year's profile, you MUST request it be opened for editing.  Applicants must review all questions and answers, and update the required information within the profile before they resubmit. 

Check the Organization Profile form for completeness and accuracy before uploading to your FY26 ArtsFairfax grant applications.

If you require accommodations or a translation in order to submit your application, please contact at least two weeks prior your application's deadline.

Capital One Hall includes a state-of-the-art Main performance Hall, The Vault black box theatre, and Classrooms available for community use at specially negotiated rates for Fairfax County-based non-profit arts groups and arts-related programming by Fairfax County government agencies and Fairfax County Public schools. ArtsFairfax is accepting online applications for arts use of the spaces by eligible Fairfax County community arts organizations and agencies on behalf of the County. Applications will be screened for eligibility and provided to the County. Approved arts organizations and programs will be submitted to Capital One Hall's operator for integration into the Season VI schedule.

  Please visit to view information on the Technical Specifications, Sample Contract, Costs, Seasonal List Development Calendar, and Application Process.

Each organization can submit one application for all of the events they wish to apply for. Each application contains questions about the unique performances you wish to apply for, and use of all available spaces (Main Hall, Vault, and Classrooms).

The sixth season starts September 1, 2026 and ends June 30, 2027.

  If you're interested in using only the atrium, other non-arts spaces, or dates outside the designated for community use in the Capital One Hall, please contact These spaces/dates are not covered by the Capital One Hall Community Partnership application process.

  Applications must be submitted by May 1, 2025 at 7pm EST.


Applications are due by 7:00 PM on Friday, March 28, 2025. 

ArtsFairfax’s Operating Support Grant Program advances the arts in Fairfax County by supporting the goals and objectives of the county’s arts organizations, helping them maintain and develop their programs, services, and facilities. ArtsFairfax embraces the county’s One Fairfax racial and social equity policy. Artists and arts organizations receiving ArtsFairfax grants must intentionally examine their operations, programs, and services to ensure that equity, diversity, access, and inclusion are taken into consideration with decision-making, development, and deployment of policies, programs, and services. 

View the Grant Guidelines on our Website.

Complete the eligibility quiz below to begin your application.  The full text of the Eligibility Criteria for General Operating Support Grants can be reviewed within the Grant Guidelines linked above.


If you require accommodations or a translation in order to submit your application, please contact at least two weeks prior your application's deadline.

This application references the Organization Profile, which can be found at this link: ArtsFairfax Submittable

Applications are due by 7:00 PM on Friday, March 28, 2025. 

ArtsFairfax’s Operating Support Grant Program advances the arts in Fairfax County by supporting the goals and objectives of the county’s arts organizations, helping them maintain and develop their programs, services, and facilities. ArtsFairfax embraces the county’s One Fairfax racial and social equity policy. Artists and arts organizations receiving ArtsFairfax grants must intentionally examine their operations, programs, and services to ensure that equity, diversity, access, and inclusion are taken into consideration with decision-making, development, and deployment of policies, programs, and services. 

View the Grant Guidelines on our Website.

Complete the eligibility quiz below to begin your application.  The full text of Eligibility Criteria for General Operating Support Grants can be reviewed within the Grant Guidelines linked above.


If you require accommodations or a translation in order to submit your application, please contact at least two weeks prior your application's deadline.

This application references the Organization Profile, which can be found at this link: ArtsFairfax Submittable
